Yesterday was 103F in the shade of our BBQ shelter.A new record, by far, and a day we will all remember.

I made occasional trips outside into the garden where everything was slowly cooking in the Saharan air blasts. Now and then I lay in the kids paddling pool which was bliss until I realised I was rapidly getting sunburnt too.  Even in the shade I felt the abnormal radiation quicky searing my skin.

But about 7pm I drove off to the lake a mile or so away, passing three-girls-with-towels. Not a single person on the footpaths. 

I walked along the bye-way feeling scorched by the sun but knowing that. though warmer. the lake water would be as always clean and fresh. And today it felt especially cool and clear. The slight breeze kept down the water insects that on calm summer evenings clutter the surface, and left just clear slightly-ruffled water with 20' of visibility right down to the bottom.  

The dippers were careering over the lake again, settling, then taking off to carry on their circuits and bumps. A squadron of honking geese flew low over me, banking at the far end before landing at another lake beyond. Yesterday flocks of starlings had swooped over in their swirling clouds before settling beyond the reeds. 

I dried off and changed and as I set off heard giggling and laughter from the track. Maybe people were there? Girls always presenting the lone man with a problem.

I once joined a woodland footpath behind two slow-walking girls ahead, and thought to alert them to my presence by sayingl.."I'm here"  which was a bad decision as they turned to see me and then broke into a run!

My saying "Don't worry I'm just overtaking" made them just run faster, and I realised that I might soon be in jail.

And today too I joined the bye-way and became aware of the same girls-with-towels and so looked away and walked back along the track quietly. The three girls, slim and leggy like so many fawns huddled together, and pretended not to see me, aware of the danger such as me might present in the wild.

I walked back to the car a little sad, and hoped that this expedition of theirs, taking control of their lives and breaking bounds to wild-swim in a lake, was not ruined by encountering me.  Young people are taught to conform so and my heart went out to these little does. 

I hope they took the plunge.


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